We must continue to learn; without learning, our minds and lives go stagnant. Time stands still when we stop learning. Find whatever method works best for you and get started.
While you are following the journey that The Power To Change is helping you create, it’s the perfect opportunity to learn new ways. Is it really true that an old dog can’t learn a new trick? The answer is yes and no… there are some forms of learning that are harder as one ages, but other forms of learning actually become easier. The best way to learn is often to have a partner in this experience. It can also help to have someone to hold you accountable. In fact, studies have found that you’ll often work harder to help a protégé than yourself. Find someone who appreciates what you want to accomplish and take the journey together. Conquering a challenge has been shown to make people happier — and learning something new can provide that kind of challenge.
Do you like to read? What about audio books? Are you a hands on learner? Ever thought about listening to subliminal messages, your conscious brain, or your filter, isn’t engaged. Your beliefs and values can’t negate the messages you’re hearing. Subliminal programs let you bypass the conscious mind. When we play a subliminal program, our subconscious mind absorbs the message and accepts it as fact. Whatever method you choose to learn something new, include at least some reading as part of your program. Reading uses a different part of the brain than listening does. Reading is one of the most important skills we have. Reading really gives you time to nurture yourself—to show yourself the love and respect you deserve. Reading is an integral part of our learning processes.
Another way to help you on your journey toward finding your inner power is to let other people help you. Maybe your spouse, a parent, a child or a friend can help you find some new ways.
Another way to learn is to do what we fear. All of us have fears to overcome. I’m not talking about logical, reasonable fears that protect us from danger. There’s a reason that we don’t leap from tall buildings or leave our doors unlocked at night. I’m talking about the day-to-day experiences from which we hide—fears like talking to strangers or speaking in front of a group. Sometimes the stranger you fear may be your next best friend just waiting to meet you. Don’t deprive yourself by shutting out such opportunities.
Bill Gates, Thomas Edison and the Wright brothers put themselves on the line, and what they accomplished has made life better for all of us. That’s what finding some new ways can do for us. It can give us the courage to do what we need to do. We just have to realize that we have it inside us to do what we need to do.
The ultimate way to realize you can do it is to, as Nike says, JUST DO IT.
Learning helps us to build the courage to take the fifth step in our personal breakthrough—the step of finding some new ways to do things. Learning lays the foundation. It is still up to you to take the next step. You have to do it; no one else can do it for you. You have to be willing to do what it takes. Initially, the new ways you choose will not be as comfortable to you as the old ways that made up your “comfort zone.” Take several small steps, eventually you may find yourself in a place where you can look back and see just how uncomfortable that zone was.
By now you understand that there is a process to change. You know it’s important to live in the here and now. You know how important it is to give yourself the right messages when you talk to yourself. You know that negative self-talk keeps the wisdom of the universe from flowing through you. Most of us have spent much more energy and time talking ourselves out of the outcomes we want, than talking ourselves into what we deserve. Words are powerful, so when you recognize that you may have been standing in your own way, don’t beat yourself up about it.
Recognize that what you had been doing wasn’t working. Find some new ways to do it and then move forward. Be gentle with yourself. Don’t tell yourself that you’ve been stupid all these years, acknowledge that you have learned what doesn’t work and congratulate yourself for recognizing this. See the glass as half full rather than half empty.
We all need to find new ways to make our personal development goals, our New Year’s resolutions, our sales objectives happen. If you understand this, you’ll become part of the elite who understand what they want and know how to make it reality.
You can change your life. You can take control and bring about the positive changes you desire. Most of us spend so much of our lives on automatic pilot. The fifth step asks you to release yourself from automatic pilot. Get rid of the habits you’ve rehearsed your whole life and find some new ways. Keep learning. There is so much power in knowledge. You’re only using a tiny portion of your knowledge and brain. Find a subject you want to learn more about and start learning. It may not be easy, but it will get you started. It’s a new way. If you want to succeed, you’ll have to find some new ways.
Now you can see how the learning process is a key step in your breakthrough. The first steps are huge, but until we begin finding new ways, new steps, new thoughts, we’ll stay frozen in our comfort zone—in our pain.
Visit my “on-line store” and get your copy of The Power To Change. We have it in e-book and hard cover. We also have subliminal message audio files on our website.