IF YOU HAVE ABSORBED THE LESSONS thus far in the book, you have reached a different place. You have an “inner knowing,” a new peace, more joy. Rather than that mode of constant searching, wandering and wondering, “Why am I here?” ‘What is my purpose?” “What am I going to do with the rest of my life?” you’ve begun to experience a daily assurance of your worth and your role in the universe.
If you have read these blogs and not yet, INVESTED IN YOURSELF … do it now!
Life will continue to “get in your way.” There will be surprises, challenges. Call them “opportunities,” if you will. Some will be positive; some will be negative. They’re all part of the journey. Yes, people around you will still become sick. You or family members or friends will have car accidents. Someone may sue you. Loved ones will die. But as you move through all these things, you will be buoyed up by a greater sense of peace and a knowledge that whatever happens, you’ll be able to cope. You have found your equilibrium, your center, and you can hold onto it.
The steps you have learned here, however, are not meant only as a linear progression. They are cyclical. The “ninth step,” in fact, is your new life itself, based on heightened awareness, better self-love, additional support from friends, and a desire to maintain and deepen what you have achieved.
There’s a story that comes from Chicken Soup® for the Teenage Soul that really touched me. It was a tradition in this particular family that when a son graduated from high school, he received a brand-new car as a gift. So, for three weeks before graduation, father and son went looking for the perfect car. They kicked scores of tires, they test drove dozens of vehicles, they listened to car radios and checked colors and designs, until finally they found the perfect car. Imagine the son’s excitement when, upon his graduation, his father presented him with a gift-wrapped box. The son opened the box to discover a copy of the Holy Bible. With despair and anger he returned the Bible to his father and ranted, “Thank you for the disappointment. I will never speak to you again as long as I live.” And he stormed out of the house.
Years later the son got a phone call from his mother announcing that his father had died. The son came home for the funeral, and after the service he was going through many of his dad’s possessions, the ones that had been set aside for him in the inheritance. When he came upon the Bible his father had given him as a graduation gift, he wiped the dust from the cover and opened it. The Bible fell open to a certified check stuck in between two pages, dated the day of his graduation, for the exact amount of that special car.
The gift is already inside of you. You have to open your book and find it. Nobody else but you is going to be turning the pages of your life. So, day by day, get involved in discovering your greatness. There’s so much there of worth, a whole treasure.
Early on in this book I mentioned goal setting. It’s so important. Now that you have been through the steps, you are ready to appreciate that importance. Close your eyes and picture yourself as the success that God, you, and your family want you to be. Be specific. If you’re in sales, see your next quarter’s totals up sharply from the previous quarter. If you’re an employee, see yourself as a highly regarded producer at work, someone your boss and your peers admire and respect. If you’re a spouse at home keeping the nest, get a vision of a household transformed by your creativity, love, and positive energy.
Life is for the dreamers and the doers. Be both. Your accomplishments will be many, your regrets will be few, and your cup will overflow with satisfaction and joy. No longer are you living your life by the negative opinions of others, nor by your own negative opinions. You are now an enthusiastic goal-setter and achiever. Your life is on an upward curve toward new and exciting heights!
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