The Power To Change - Becoming Aware

The Power To Change - Becoming Aware

Merriam-Webster defines ‘becoming’ as the process of coming to be something or of passing into a state and ‘aware’ as having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge. So combined they mean coming to show realization, perception or knowledge.
What does “becoming aware” mean to you?
Becoming aware that your life is “missing something?” Are you missing happiness? Are you seeking occupational fulfillment? Are you pursuing relief from pain? How about becoming aware that you have the power inside of you to make a change. That’s what it’s really all about. To be able to make any change, we must eliminate barriers that we have been conditioned to believe exist. But are they really barriers or excuses?
I’ve talked with literally thousands of people across the US and Canada about what they want to achieve and the barriers that prevent them from achieving it. You might be surprised to learn that the things you want out of life are probably very similar to what thousands of other people want. Good health. Happiness. More money. More leisure time. Security. Love.
If we don’t feel we have enough of these good things in our lives, it’s because there are perceived barriers that keep us from getting them. You have the power to change. These barriers are not necessarily physical, they are mental or emotional too. They represent conditions or thoughts that have been planted in us a long time ago. You can breakthrough these barriers.
The first step in the process of change is to become aware of the habit, process or state you wish to change. It’s interesting to consider the process of change. It doesn’t just happen. Change is the product of specific processes.
All of us can accomplish great things, if we are ready for success.
Ask yourself: “Am I ready for success?” If the answer is a resounding YES, then let’s find your success together!
Visit my “store” and get your copy of The Power To Change. We have it in e-book, paperback, and hard cover.
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